Thursday 13 October 2011

Research: Ideology

Ideology means messages and values. When you are asked to analyse the ideologies in a media text then you are looking for these messages and vaues and discussing how they've been communicated.
The pop genre typically follows the typical and dominant ideologies such as love conquers all and the good guy always wins.  However, some acts break the dominant idealogy's such as Lady Gaga and GreenDay, they present alternative options to the genre, creating controversy with their alternative choices. Our artist will slightly break the typical as our song challenges the dominant ideology that Hollywood is the place of dreams, as appose to in our video where it says the opposite. 

What is a Representation?
Representation is the way certain aspects of life, place or people are presented to us via the signs and symbols used in the media. These signs or symbols are known as Media Language.
The media never shows us representation in reality, even in non-fiction formats such as documentary or news. Instead Media Producers re-present a version of something/someone to us using media language to "construct" it.

Representation and Ideology: Music Video and Trailer

All media texts construct representation for the audience. All media texts use Stereotypes to some extent-either conforming to them or challenging them. Stereotypes are used for rapid audience recognition or a kind of shorthand for the audience to grasp meaning quickly and thus recieve the intended meaning (preferred reading) encoded by the producer in to the media text. Whether or not these reprsentation will conform to or callenge dominant ideology will depend on the purpose of the media text and the intended target audience.



Walter Hippman's 4 function's of stereotypes:
- A short cut
- An ordering process
- A mapof the World
- An expression of our values and beliefs

The 'Male Gaze' (Laura Mulvey 1975) Feminist
"Visual pleasure in Narrative cinema"- How women are shot in media texts (cinematography)
Turnsink -fragmentation = images are fragmentised of sex objects, for example close ups and extreme close ups of body parts.
- Women are objective
- Women are there for the pleasure of men

Marina and the Diamonds...

Our media text follow some dominant ideologies, instead of selling America in a positive way to our audience, we sell in a negative way, were we take the 'mic' out of America, that it is not all about dreams and fantasy. Also to show how we, British people see America, the rich flashing money and the poor dying,  and taking the 'Mic' of famous people. Even though Marina represent America as being the best place to be, the money the fame, we would send messages that it is not what it is seen.


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