Friday, 20 January 2012

Evaluation - Questionnaire Results

These or charts from the results of our questionnaire, although there were 7 questions, we have just turned 4 into charts because these are the only one that can be summed up yes or no. The rest of the results can be seen on our scanned full questionnaire in the post below.

This is a pie chart showing the results from a question asking 'would you watch again?' this shows our success because only one person would not watch the video again. The 15 people who would definitely represent the majority of those who filled in the questionnaire.
Our artist fits the genre by being brightly coloured. We think this but other people must agree because 14/16 said she fit the genre well, this shows her brand image is successful in conforming to the image of a pop artist.

Again, the majority went with the 'yes' option, this shows our video was successful because most of them would recommend to a friend. If this was a real project, this is how more fans would be achieved.
Mise-en-scene was a big element in our video due to the theme, therefore our video is successful, as 13 out of 16 people noticed the mise en scene in the video; like the costumes, masks and locations. 

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