Friday 6 January 2012

Planning Props, Locations and Costumes

Our cast for our music video. From the left is Iqra, who will be wearing the lady gaga mask because she Gaga. Next is Sammy, who will be wearing Simon Cowell Mask because she like to think she rules. Next to her is Aisha who is NOT a Justin Biber fan, and taking the opportunity to mock him, she finally got the chance, and the last one is Faz, who is completely obsessed with rihanna, and is glad to be here. 

This is Amna (ME) to be the artist of our Project. Whose name is Nicky Nash, with the fact taht our brand image is intelligent, bright and youthful, we have incorporated a bright blue wig into our artist's physical image, making her stand out from all the background, and making her conform with the American theme. The theme is also evident in the red jumper, and starry scarf. I think the image and costumes apply well to a young audience.

Also in our video, our other group member Emma will have several parts, due to the fact we couldn't fit time tables together with other actors. She will be playing the robber and the woman in the airport. However due to costuming and mise-en-scene, it makes it harder to recognise that it is the same person.

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