Tuesday 11 October 2011

Research : Representation

Our protagonist will be represented as a clean cut person, an everyday person that faces the same problems as the audience. therefore they are able to associate with our act.
She will be represented as bright and quirky in style but also quite shy, shown in the trip to America where she is scared of what's happening around her.
Our style of artist is a big point in representation, but the main point of representation within our video is the representation of America. As our audience is British, they will understand the ironic stereotype of America which is often used within the media.
For example, the isolation people feel as American's won't help, the fact that Mcdonald's is a big deal in America and a lot of them eat it. And the image that American's are all celebrity obsessed, shown in our dancer scene with people wearing celebrity masks. This is how our American stereotype will be created.
Another stereotype that will be represented within our video is the paparazzi, we will present them as heckling and annoying our artist while walking down the street, as the most common stereotype of a paparazzi is someone who isn't wanted and invades personal space. They are also more common within American culture appose to British.


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