Tuesday 15 November 2011

Album cover inspiration.

This album cover follows the same conventions of our artist. All of the images connote fun, youth and brightness, all things which our artist is trying to present. The cover is typical of pop, it's colourful and fun, the images used all connote different things. The buildings are all found in London, presenting that the artist is British, and lips are often an image associated with young people, whom are the target audience for this artist, the dice conntes gaming and fun and the cat and lion and the youthful and fun aspect to the cover. Also, the blue sky presents that the music will be light and happy, standard conventions of pop music. 

This cover is from Kate Nash's first album, her artist image is also youthful quirky and fun with a young target audience. All the images connote youthfulness, from the Lego which was a popular toy in the 90's, when the target audience would have been young. Also the bright primary colours also connote fun, brightness and youthfulness. The images shown also suit the name of the album, "Made of Bricks" is clearly represented but in a fun and youthful way by using Lego.

Christina Aguilera is a pop artist who's been around since the late 1990's, her target audience range from ages around 16-40. Her usual image is usually based around sex appeal like artists like Rihanna and Beyonce. But her make over since her comeback has shown her become a more quirky unique artist, somewhat like Lady Gaga, this is all connoted within this album cover. The fact her face drawn as half robot represents the quirkyness and uniqueness in her new music, it also represents a modern representation. This is inspiring to us because it is unique to every other album cover and expresses creativity. As the album is named bionic, the design clearly represents the name of the album.


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