Friday 7 October 2011

Research:: Institution and Definition of Branding

A brand is a particular make of the production e.g. "instant coffee" is the product, Nescafe and Kenco are the BRAND.
 Naomi Klein says  "Giving products personality a result of mass production-competative branding is necessarily of the machine age..image based on difference had to be manufactured along with the product"

Branding is important to my industry because it will create an image which people will link with my product, so my audience will buy the product (and merchandise) over and over again. in this case advertising my Artist to the Audience. "Even today advertising is not only about selling product, it is about selling a Brand, a dream, a message." ( Katherine Viner)

Branding is important to the music industry because they can turn my product (Artist) into something unique and special. Consumers tend to relate more to people than things, it means it is easier to form an emotional attachment to a product.

However Most modern advertising deals with enhancing the image of Brand , rather than promoting the benefits of a particular product. Audiences are suspicious of direct message and prefer to have meanings indirectly associated with a product via branding. this means that advertising must be part of an overall marketing straegy: make the audience familiar with your brand's identity.

Theirs a combination of branding which to follow, to sell my Artist brand image:
1. Brand Essence- A way of summing up the significance of the brand to stockholders and consumers alike of the brand in one simple sentence.
2. Brand Slogan-A public way of identifying the brand for consumers
3. Brand Personality- Marketeers can describe their brands as though it were a person, with likes and dislikes and certain behaviour.
4. Brand Values- what does it stand for?against?
5. Brand Appearance- What does it look/ sound/taste like?
6. Brand Heritage- How long has t been around? Does it have customers who have been loyal to it for many years?
7. Emotional Benefit-How it Avoids/Reduces pain or increases pleasure
8. Hard benefits-Bigger? Better? Cheaper?


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