Sunday 9 October 2011

Research :Our Target Audience.

Demographic Profiling.
''Media texts are a product usually made to make money/generate revenue for the institution that has produced them. All products need an audience for the institution to target and so they can construct the product to appeal to them.''

We define target audiences using 'GRASS' : Gender, Race, Age, Social Status.
Our target audience is..

Gender: Female - As our act is a quirky pop act who's image is more fashion clothing than scantily clad, our artist does not appeal to a male audience.
Race: Any.
Age: 15-25, our act's main image is youth and aimed at young people and students, as our act is also young.
Social Status: Our target audience would be in group E (subsidence), as they are mainly young people and students, who are in full time education or unemployed.

Psychographic Profiling.
According to Young and Rubicam's Cross-cultural Consumer Characteristics, there are four categories of audience: Mainstreamers, who males up 40% of the market. Aspirers, people who're motivated by status. Succeeders, people who've already climbed the ladder and want to keep control of what they have. Reformers, the group who want the world to be a better place.

Our target audience are mainstreamers, as our genre is pop, the most popular music genre. Mainstreamers tend to seek security in conformity and thus tend to be well know brand names. People who tend to listen to pop music often have friends who also enjoy the same kind of music, therefore they seek security in music as it brings them closer to their friends.
As our artist has a more unique style, our target audience will also follow the trends set by the artist. For example, wearing different clothes to that of someone who would be a rock fan. Our target audience would wear bright and individualistic clothing, while still conforming to trends set by everybody else. They would all be students and interested in different kinds of music. They would go to music gigs, buy CD's and have friends with similar music interests.

Our secondary audience would be...
Gender, males who like pop music.
Race, still any.
Age, above 25 who enjoy youthful music and bright style.
Social Status: Any.

There can be a wide second audience as a lot of people, no matter what age, gender, race etc that enjoy listening to pop music. they could be older men, older women or anybody who's rich or poor.

When conforming to Maslow's Hierachy of Needs our artist will help the audience achieve belonging needs, as they become a part of a fan base who all listen to the same artist, therefore have something in common.

According to the website, our main target audience of stereotype would be "leading edge" and 'Alternative groups" consisting of stereotypes such as Hipsters, geeks, emos and scene kids. All found in young people.

Our typical target audience member.
Her name Lola, she likes all things brightly coloured, including hair and clothes, her favourite are checked shirts. She is in the hipster/ scene kid stereotype, and likes fashion and clothing, as well as pop/indie music. Her friends also like the same music as her, this makes their friendship stronger. Their favourite bands and artists are Lily Allen and Paramore. She also likes reading music magazines and going to gigs.


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