Friday 7 October 2011

Research: Institution: Which institution will make our media text?

Our music text will be made by a major music label, as our artist's brand image is more similar to that of major music labels, to those that are signed to independent music labels, for example:

Eliza Dolittle is one of our main influences for our artists image, and she is signed to Parlophone, part of the EMI conglomerate.
 Her image is quirky and fun, and her song genre is described as indie pop, this is signed to a major label, as it is a popular genre within the audience who buy music. This is unlike artists who're signed to Independent labels, as they will have an image that has a smaller fan base and wouldn't sell as many records. Major labels signings are always more main stream to that of independent, which will often be less popular genres such as: grime, metal, country and western and classical. Major labels will often sign music that isn't as much of a risk, mainstream music that is in the modern day climate such as: Pop (our genre), indie, rock, popular R'n'B and hip hop.

Other pop artists that are signed to Parlophone include: Lily Allen, who also has a similar quirky style. The Beatles, Pet Shop Boys and Bat For Lashes. Bat For Lashes also has a similar brand image that we want our artist to have.

Parlophone would be the company who would most likely release our quirky, fun, pop video.

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