Monday 10 October 2011

Research: Target Audience and Our Music Video

There are many things that will appeal the audience to our text...
As the age and gender of our audience is young females, the fact that our artist is young and female will help them associate with the artist. Also, the setting and what's happening within the narrative also represents the life of a young teenage girl. For example, going on holiday and feeling lost is what most people of the given age group will experience when going to university or when going on holiday for the first time without their parents. The audience will also associate with the fashion of our artist, this is appealing as teenagers always look up to music stars for generic fashion advice.
Teenagers on holiday
The branding of the artist also appeals the audience, as sometimes people base their music tastes around images and the branding of artists (eg: people liking Katy Perry and Rihanna because they share a similar image). So if our artist shares the same branding image as another, we will have a wider audience that would be a fan of our artist.

Celebrities on holiday

View more presentations from smcmediastudies.
Emma and Amna

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